Carry The Best Self-defense knives | Ignitto

 If we look around, we will know how necessary it has become to stay alarmed when out in public. It is because of burgeoning street crimes and terrorist attacks, and petty crimes that lead to something horrendous, such as harassment, mugging, abductions, and whatnot. Living together in society has never been easy for human beings. Their hatred, anger, revenge, and desire have things forcefully that they can not get; otherwise, they have always dominated their compassionate and kind nature. That is the reason that we come across plenty of crimes and terror attacks. Recently, in the UK and the US, there have been numerous street crimes and terror attacks reported, where the perpetrators used not any heavy or expensive weapons. Instead, they used "knives" to hurt people around. In the wake of increasing street crimes and harassment cases, it is advised for everyone to carry a defense weapon. If not a pistol, then a knife. To be on the safe side, having one of the best self-defense knives is what we recommend.

Therefore, we are writing this article to help people stay safe by using the best self-defense knives. 

We are here to answer; what are they? And how to choose them along with a list of the best knives that one can choose from. 

So, let's get started!

What are self-defense knives?

Best Self-defense knives are the ones that people use for their defense in combat situations. Unlike kitchen knives used to cut fruits and vegetables, self-defense knives are only used when one's life is in danger. 

These knives come in all sizes and shapes. The length and width of the blade also vary. These knives are specially designed for combat and have been frequently used in warfare by military personnel. That is why self-defense knives usually come with a design that is disguised easily. 

For the public, it is good to have a combat knife that does not look like a knife but works when the situation gets messy.

Choosing the best self-defense knives

Knowing how to defend oneself is becoming more and more of a necessary survival skill due to the increasing crime rates. While purchasing a firearm is the best insurance you can invest in, it may not be legal according to the laws that affect you. However, rules tend to be bendable for knives, making them the second-best means of self-defense. 

There are knives with hundreds of blades, various handle shapes, sizes, folding blades, and whatnot. If you're looking for one, here are some things you can look for in an ideal self-defense knife:

Consider regional laws

While laws regarding knives are more flexible, they tend to vary from region to region, according to the country you're in. That is why one needs to research state laws regarding knife ownership and their limitations before one goes and buys any.


Ignore the physical appearance of the knife entirely and focus on its grip. Choose rough or scaled handles as they will make the knife easier to grip even when your palms are sweating in dangerous situations.


Pay extra attention to the blade and its feel in your hands. Please give it a test flip, and check its sharpness on different materials beforehand. Check if it is easy to manage. Always remember to think of your knife as a self-defense tool and not a weapon- you intend to defend yourself with it if needed and not to kill, which is why the blade should not be too sharp nor too blunt. 


Firstly, consult the state rule regarding the size of the knife. For example, what size does the law allow to carry knives as a combat weapon? Secondly, choose the knife size that is easy to conceal and move around. For example, a knife blade of 6 inches is perfect if you intend to use it for self-defense as it is easily concealable.

Folding Blade:

Folding knives come with many opening mechanisms, including a flipper, thumb stud, and disc. Go through as many opening mechanisms as possible and find one that is easy to unlatch and is easy to use for you. 

List of the best self-defense knives

Based on the significance of having a self-defense weapon these days, we have listed a few options among the best self-defense knives. 

These knives are available online. 

  1. Portable Green Leaf Knife

  2. FEMME FATALE FF-A010LB Spring Assist Folding Knife
    Smith & Wesson Folding Knife
    Steinbrucke Tactical Knife Pocket

  3. Canku C1691 Fixed Blade Knife

Final Thoughts

Given the increasing street crimes and hate crimes, it is recommended that everyone ensure their safety not only in public but also at their place. Keeping the best self-defense knives can save one from a lot.


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